The world through my eyes

Mis (humildes) intentos fotograficos y el trabajo de otros amantes de la fotografia. And remember to leave your comments, any feedback is very much appreciated! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sometimes it's all that it takes

The power of a kiss.
Madonna couldn't have said it better.

Forbidden Love

Just one kiss on my lips
Was all it took to seal the future
Just one look from your eyes
Was like a certain kind of torture
Once upon a time
There was a boy
There was a girl
Just one touch from your hands
Was all it took to make me falter
Forbidden love
Are we supposed to be together
Forbidden love
We seal the destiny forever
Just one smile on your face
Was all it took to change my fortune
Just one word from your mouth
Was all I needed to be certain
Once upon a time
There was a boy
There was a girl
Hearts that intertwine
They lived in a different kind of world
Just one kiss
Just one touch
Just one look
Just one love

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The United Nations

I think this is the Security Council chamber.

I wasn't really paying attention to the tour guide at this moment.

I was too busy picturing myself setting there, in one of those blue chairs, speaking my mind on one of those microphones...

Hell, I could be the water girl and I'd be happy...

I just wanna be there.

Just a thought


How come Magneto has never been to New York?

Ustedes se imaginan?

Que interesante seria!


Monday, August 14, 2006

My trip to the Village

Yep, there's actually a gay street here.

Si alguna vez vivo en NY, I would love to live in Greenwich Village, known as "The Village" among new yorkers. Freedom, creativity, fashion and free jazz at the park. What else does one need?

Free Jazz at the park

New York and free jazz?


Happy time!

Esto fue en una Photoshoot que les hice a mi prima y sus amigas en una cosa que aqui en NY llaman "playa" pero que no concuerda con mi idea de una playa y parece mas como un gran pozo de agua de color oscuro y well indeterminado, since I didn't step one foot inside that water lol.

Anyways, I love the way this picture came out. Me encanta el efecto del agua, their happy faces, la captura de ese momento tan exciting and fun among long time friends.

Si quieren una seccion de fotos, just say the word and I'm there! lol

Strawberry latte? what the...?!?!

This was my thought as I found myself reading the menu at a local Dunkin' Donuts the other day. Being the official coffee addict that I am, I woke up that morning wanting my black liquid, practically yearning for a taste of it. So I rushed to the nearest Dunkin' Donuts (no Starbucks cerca,and like they say, a falta de pan, casabe) y he aqui un resumen of what happend next:

-Me :"Hi, um let me get a medium latte, please"
- Old man with a very deep unknown accent:
"A medium latte...what flavour?"
-"Flavour...? Uhh...regular coffee?"
-Not caramel, just normal coffee...
-(annoyed expression on his face) "No listen to me! you want a latte, right? what flavour do you want it? Caramel, Strawberry, Chocolate...just read the menu and choose (impatient look).
Ustedes se imaginan my thought at this point: oh no he didnt just give me that look!
hell no!
- No you listen to me sir! I want a regular latte , just normal plain black coffee with milk, with nothing else! I want no flavour, no caramel and specially, no strawberry on my coffee. Black coffee with milk, put together. That's it. Go it?!!
-So a medium latte, no flavour?
So sue me for been a wierdo and still like my traditional old-fashion black unflavored coffee.
Idiots! Gosh.... (Napoleon Style)
(Picture from Getty Images)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Crossing the bridge


Thursday, August 10, 2006

This sign was just too disturbing , I HAD to have some kind of proof. Las cosas que se ven my God, el otro dia vi en un letrero "closed" y abajo "Serrado".

Bueno.... pero por lo menos intentaron verdad?

Si profe Maria viera algo asi le diera un solo ataque lol.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Flying lovers


El amor presentado en su forma mas sencilla y pura.

Tuve que esperar como 15 minutos para poder capturar este momento, porque los asuste y se fueron para otro banco del parque.

Fly away lovers.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


View from the Brooklyn Bridge

Empire State Building

El Empire State de noche. Me encantan los colores que cambian constantemente.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ser o No Ser

Esto nada mas se ve en una ciudad como New York.

I love it how things like this are perfectly normal.

Deberiamos tener uno asi aqui para que se acabe la hipocrecia que vive la sociedad dominicana.

Just a thought.

Hey cuando la oportunidad se presenta...aprovechenla!!

La imagen lo dice todo.